Processing Orders

Learn how to filter and process your orders from start to finish

Clare Cormican avatar
Written by Clare Cormican
Updated over a week ago

ChannelGrabber will import any orders that are placed on your connected channels so that they can all be processed together from one place.  

First, navigate to the Orders page:  

You will be able to view all orders that have ever been imported into ChannelGrabber. 

From the main Orders page, you will be able to quickly view the general information for each order, such as the channel and account it was placed on, the order ID and product info, the order total (in the relevant currency), the buyer’s name (and ebay user ID if applicable), the shipping service the buyer has selected, the order status and any actions that can be/have been applied such as printing an invoice or dispatching the order, or if there is a note on the order:


Sorting Your Orders Table 

The order table defaults to being sorting in chronological order, so the page will show everything in date and time order, with newest orders at the top and older orders at the bottom.  You can use the table headers to sort the page into different orders, for example, if you want your orders arranged by Order ID instead, you can simply click into the Order ID / Product Information header and the table will re-organise by the Order ID:


You can sort by any header that has the sort symbol at the end:   

 You can also choose how many orders to display per page with the Show drop-down menu, and you can search all orders by choosing what to search by (eg. SKU, Buyer Name etc.) then typing in your search term and clicking the 



Filtering Your Orders: Basic Filters  

In order to process your orders most efficiently, you may wish to apply filters to the orders, so that all the relevant orders are grouped together so that you can apply actions to them in bulk (like printing invoices for all new orders or applying tracking numbers from a certain shipping method/courier) without affecting other orders that are not filtered.  

1.  On the top right of the Orders page is the filters section.  There are three basic filters: Date Range (use from and to dates), Status and Account:

2.  Clicking on the first date range field will open a calendar box, so that you can select the date and time that you want to start filtering orders from (00:00 is midnight at the beginning of the day you have chosen) and the second date range field sets the date and time you want to end filtering (23:59 is the end of the day you have chosen):

If you don’t apply a date range then ChannelGrabber will show all orders from any timeframe.  

3.  Click the Status drop-down menu to select which order status you would like to filter by.  “New” is the most important, as this means the order is paid for and ready to be shipped:

4.  If you wish to filter by a specific account, you can use the Account drop-down menu, or leaving this unselected will simply show orders from all channels and accounts:

5.  Click the Filter button to apply your chosen filters and the Orders page will re-load to show the appropriate orders:

Clicking the Clear Filter button will take you back to having all orders loaded onto the page:        


Filtering Your Orders: Advanced Filters  

To access the advanced filters, click on the More button at the end of the basic filters line, which will expand to show you more detailed filtering options:              

 Please note:  before you can filter by Shipping Service or Flags, these need to be set up in your account Settings:  see separate guides for “Shipping Settings & Royal Mail PPI” and “Order Flagging” for more detail.  

You can tick into the Show Archived option to view any archived orders along with your current orders:


Use Bulk Actions to Process Multiple Orders Together

Once you have used the filters to group together the orders that you wish to process, you can now apply actions to multiple or all orders in bulk. 

1.  Use the “Show” drop-down menu to load up to 500 orders on one page (if you need that many) and if you are unsure how many orders you have altogether, check at the bottom left of the orders table and it will tell you how many orders have been loaded/filtered:


2.  Use the tick boxes to the left of each order to select the orders you want to group together, or click the tick box in the table header to select all orders on the current page.  The selected orders will be highlighted in blue:

3.  Click on the Bulk Actions drop-down menu at the top left of the page to select the actions that you want to apply to all the selected orders - eg. Print Invoices, Print Picking List, Add Tracking Numbers, Dispatch, Archive etc. – then click the Go button to launch the selected action:

Moves the selected order into the Archived Section so they will no longer automatically load into the page.  You can use the Advanced Filters to view archived orders at any time.

Add Tracking Numbers
Launches a new screen where you can enter the tracking number and tracking carrier for selected orders.  These need to be added prior to marking an order as dispatched, then ChannelGrabber will send the tracking number to ebay/Amazon, for them to pass on to your buyer.

Basic VAT Report
Opens a list of all selected orders to provide total revenue and calculates total VAT at 20% to give you a basic idea of VAT over those orders.   A more detailed export could be set up using the Data Exchange (see separate guide on “Exporting Orders via Data Exchange”) if needed.

Download Orders
Generates a pre-set CSV of basic order details for the selected orders.  A more detailed export could be set up using the Data Exchange (see separate guide on “Exporting Orders via Data Exchange”) if needed.

Sends a dispatch notification to your channels so that they know the order has been shipped and can notify your customer. Order status will temporarily change to “Dispatch Pending” in ChannelGrabber, then once the channel confirms dispatch, the status in ChannelGrabber will change to “Dispatched”.

Mark as Packing
Changes the status of the order in ChannelGrabber to “Picking”.  This is an internal status only, so will not update the channels themselves. 

Mark / Unmark as Printed
If you have opened a print preview but not printed an order and want to reset the printed icon to “un-printed” you can use this action so that you know the invoice has not been printed.

Picking List
Opens a list of all the selected order item SKUs, titles, the quantity ordered, and if you have added locations in ChannelGrabber for your products (see separate “Invoices & Picking List” guide), it will show where each item is located too.

Print Invoices
Once you have designed your invoice in ChannelGrabber (see separate “Invoices & Picking List” guide) then you can select this option to open a preview of the invoices for all selected orders, and send them all to print in bulk.  This option opens/prints them in date/time order 

Print Invoices by SKU
Use this option to view/print your invoices alphabetically in SKU order 

Print Invoices by Title
Use this option to view/print your invoices alphabetically by product Title 

Create Royal Mail CSV
If you have the Royal Mail Dispatch Manager Online (DMO) service and have this enabled/set up in ChannelGrabber too, you can use this option to generate a downloadable CSV file of order data that will be compatible to upload to DMO to make processing your postage more efficient within the DMO service.

Thermal Print
This opens a pre-set printout of your customers’ addresses which can be printed on thermal labels using a thermal label printer 


 You may see additional options in the Bulk Actions menu depending on additional modules or integrations that you have installed on your account.  If in doubt about what a certain action is for, please feel free to contact the Support Team via the Intercom chat button or on 

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