Shipping Settings & Royal Mail PPI

Learn how to use our Map Shipping feature to create aliases for your channel's shipping methods, for more streamlined order processing

Clare Cormican avatar
Written by Clare Cormican
Updated over a week ago

In ChannelGrabber you can set up shipping settings to allow you to filter orders by Shipping Method and to map different shipping methods to different Royal Mail PPI stamps for printing PPI on your invoices.

Map Shipping Methods

1. To start, navigate to Settings – Shipping – Map Shipping:


2.  On this page you will see a button for adding a New Shipping Mapping profile.  Clicking this creates a new profile line in your Map Shipping table, which shows all the shipping methods that ChannelGrabber is able to pull from existing orders from your channels (different channels and webstores may have different formats for how the shipping methods are named):


3.  Simply select the first shipping method from the list, then you can type in a Shipping Name to make it more easily recognisable for you in ChannelGrabber, for example, “UK_RoyalMailFirstClassRecorded” could be renamed to “RM 1st Class Recorded”:


4.  If you have two shipping methods which are actually the same method, but have come in as separate methods on your orders (for example the ebay account may say “UK_RoyalMailFirstClassStandard” but my webstore may just say “First Class” and Amazon may say “Standard”) I can select multiple shipping methods by holding the CTRL key on the keyboard and clicking on multiple shipping methods to select more than one at once, then giving them all the same name:


5.  Once you have mapped all shipping methods to a relevant name, you can add more detail for your own reference if necessary, and this can also be used to populate an estimated delivery date and "Lost after" date on the orders within ChannelGrabber (and also the invoice design or customer notifications module if required):


6.  Once you are done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page:


You will now be able to filter your orders by shipping method.


Royal Mail PPI Settings

If you also want ChannelGrabber to print a Royal Mail PPI stamp on your invoice (this is usually most beneficial if you print them on integrated label paper), you can now navigate to Settings – Shipping – PPI Settings:


1.  First, enter your Royal Mail PPI license number and select if you want English or Welsh language:


2.  Next, if you want to use International PPI, select the tick box, and if you would like to set a cost limit on PPI (eg. if orders over a certain value are shipped via another delivery method) you can enter the cost limit here to prevent ChannelGrabber putting a PPI stamp on orders over this value:


3.  Select the size and style of the PPI stamp you want to be printed on your invoice (we usually recommend the first style as this is the most compact, so good if you have limited space on an integrated label etc.).  Your selected style will appear bold and with a green tick icon to show which you have chosen:


4.  On the right side of the page you will see all the PPI stamps that ChannelGrabber can put on your invoice for you.  You need to “tell” the system which PPI stamp is to be used for each shipping method by mapping them in this section.  As in the Map Shipping section, more than one shipping method can be mapped to the same PPI stamp by holding the CTRL key and selecting more than one method:


5.  Lastly, if you want ChannelGrabber to use one of the PPI stamps as a default, (meaning that if an order comes in with a new shipping method that has not yet been mapped in your settings, the system will use the default PPI stamp on the invoice for that order) then simply click onto the PPI stamp that you want to be the default and you will see it is surrounded by a bold green border.  If you select the “No PPI” box at the bottom of the page as the default, then ChannelGrabber will not enter a PPI stamp if a shipping method is not mapped:


Once you are done, click the Save button at the bottom left of the page:


To add the PPI stamp to your ChannelGrabber invoice, you can use the {{PPI_UK}} tag (but don’t forget to leave enough space around/beneath the tag for the actual stamp image). 

The PPI tag is included on the “Default CG Invoice” template within Settings – Company – PDF Invoice Designer already, but if you need help with setting up a personalised invoice, please see the separate “Designing & Printing Invoices” Guide in the Knowledgebase:


We hope this guide is useful, but if you need further assistance please feel free to contact the Support Team

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